March 7, 2025


News At Ease


The current year has proved to be really testing ones for each and every business, where everything is at a halt and just waiting for revival. Close to 9 months of being inactive in business domain.

During this time period, there have been a lot of agencies, business organizations at the National and International level, who took the charge and lead by example through a series of engagement events for the industry. To start with virtual calls, Zoom/Google Meet sessions, Knowledge up-gradation, and later on to virtual events. Whatever the means were used, the whole industry has been provided with a platform of up-gradation of skills, enhancement of current skill set, and even networking opportunities with the industry mates.

Trav Buzz News has taken the initiative of honoring all those organizations and personals, who have set an example for others to follow by highest engagement during this pandemic period. As mentioned the awards are Editor’s Choice and open for various categories. As of date, the event shall be in a virtual format. Final Dates to be announced soon.

Entries are open now to get the due recognition for your business entity.

Nomination Link: